Kindred’s revenue share from problem gambling declines

| By Robert Fletcher
Kindred Group has reported a quarter-on-quarter drop in the share of revenue it generated from harmful gambling in the first quarter of 2021, as the Unibet operator reiterated plans to achieve 0% of its revenue from this form of gambling by 2023.
Gambling Commission releases data figures for April 2021

The share of gross winnings revenue from high-risk players in the 90-day period from 21 December 2020 to 21 March this year represented 3.9% of total revenue in the quarter, down from 4.3% in the fourth quarter of last year.

Kindred also noted that 76.6% of players showing signs of problem gambling improved their behaviour after intervention during the reporting period, up from 75.5% in Q4 of 2020.

The decline in problem gambling revenue share comes after Kindred in February announced its ‘Journey Towards Zero’ strategy, through which the operator is aiming for a 0% revenue share from harmful gambling by the year 2023.

Kindred is working with treatment centres and the Experts by Experience reformed problem gamblers group as part of the initiative.

“It’s encouraging to see a decrease in the share of revenue from harmful gambling for the first quarter of the year, however we need to be aware that the journey forward will not be a steady decrease,” Kindrec chief executive Henrik Tjärnström said.

“We expect to see the data increase in individual quarters, but we continue to work towards our ambition. Reducing harmful gambling in society is a long-term process which requires a fact-based, open, and constructive dialogue among all stakeholders.”

Also in February, Kindred revealed full-year revenue passed the £1bn (€1.12bn/$1.40bn) mark for the first time in 2020, thanks to new highs in active customers and major growth in new markets.

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