GLMS rebrands to the United Lotteries for Integrity in Sport

| By Marese O'Hagan
The Global Lottery Monitoring System (GLMS) will become the United Lotteries for Integrity in Sport (ULIS) after members of the organisation unanimously approved the name change at an general meeting on 18 October.

The results of a survey revealed that members no longer thought GLMS was an accurate representation of the organisation, as it refers strongly to monitoring services only.

The rebranding reflects several other developments, including a new strategy and further focus on the services it offers beyond the initial monitoring.

These are education, training, knowledge building, intelligence studies and stakeholder influence management.

“This is a fantastic achievement that will promote and give a clear understanding of our services and products to the different audiences with whom we interact,” said Ludovico Calvi, president of GLMS. “ULIS, as a new branding design, conveys a powerful message that the lottery world is united to safeguard the integrity of sport competitions.

“The new identity is a result of a thoughtfully constructed strategy that is being implemented by the general secretary Luca Esposito.”

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