No NHL request for betting ban on Vegas Knights in Nevada

| By iGB Editorial Team
The NHL ice hockey league has not requested for betting to be banned on Vegas Golden Knights games in Nevada.

The NHL ice hockey league has not requested for betting to be banned on Vegas Golden Knights games in Nevada.

The team is to play its first game in Las Vegas on October 6 against Dallas Stars, when it will become the first major league franchise to appear in the US gambling mecca.

NHL officials had 30 days before the event to make the official request to the Nevada Gaming Commission for the Knights’ game to be removed from betting markets.

However, league deputy commissioner Bill Daly told ESPN that it had decided not to push for the Knights to be treated differently to other franchises.

“What we're most interested in is making sure we get equitable treatment with the NFL in terms of how teams are dealt with on the book,” Daley told ESPN. “We had discussions both with the club and MGM, with respect to betting around the arena. There may be some steps done in respect to that, but we didn't feel like it was an appropriate time to make the global request.”

The Oakland Raiders of the NFL are also relocating to Vegas with a scheduled move in 2020.

Related article: NHL bolsters integrity defences ahead of Las Vegas move

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