ICE365 registration privacy notice
We take your privacy seriously. By registering for this platform we wish to use your information on the basis of our legitimate interests to keep in contact with you about other relevant events, products and services which may be of interest to you.
We will only ever use the information we collect or receive about you in accordance with our Privacy Policy. If you prefer us not to contact you about relevant events, products and services that we believe you will be interested in, you can unsubscribe using the link in our emails or by emailing
Once you have completed registration you will have access to the platform and other member profiles. Your profile data (name, job title and company) will be visible to other Members. If you (optionally) include your contact details in your profile you consent to them being visible to all Members.
We may collect and collate data about your movements and interactions within the platform for the purpose of improving your experience and the relevance of content within the platform. We will not share your personal information with third parties without your explicit consent, subject to applicable data protection laws.