CHIPS donates two wheelchairs to twins

| By Katherine Simmons

Twins Ava and Nieve Paling will gain new sense of independence thanks to the donation of two lightweight wheelchairs by gaming industry charity CHIPs.

Mum Luwan Paling said the new lightweight chairs will give the 13-year-olds greater independence as they would be able to get themselves around without the need for an adult to push them. The family travelled to ICE London 2022 from their home in Leicester for the presentation.

“It’s life changing, It will give them the freedom to get out and explore and I am so grateful for them,” said Luwan. She said the new chairs would enable the family to get out for trips together for dog walks.

Ava and Nieve said the new chairs were more comfortable and that the first trips they would make on their own would be to the supermarket

CHIPS co-founder Linda Lindsay said the new chairs brought the total number donated by the charity to 600. Each of the chairs donated is custom-made to fit the needs of each young person. She added that the charity had been able to donate 50 chairs over the pandemic – half of the usual amount.


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