ECA appoints van Lambaart as new chairman

| By Robert Fletcher
The European Casino Association (ECA) has announced the appointment of Erwin van Lambaart as its new chairman following unanimous member approval.

van Lambaart replaces Per Jaldung, who will step down from the role after eight years as chairman of the organisation.

An experienced executive, van Lambaart was named chief executive of Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries in March 2022m while he has also been a member of the ECA board since 2021.

van Lambaart also had a six-year spell as CEO of Holland Casinos, while prior to joining the gambling industry, he worked in a series of other senior roles across the media, hospitality, event, marketing and entertainment sectors.

“I understand that it is a big responsibility to serve the ECA members in these challenging times for the casino industry,” van Lambaart said. “The licensed European casino industry continues to face great changes and even disruptions. 

“In the coming weeks, I will be working with the ECA members and the ECA board as well as our partners on the priorities for the future work of our association.

“I would personally like to thank Per Jaldung for his distinguished stewardship of the association and for his ongoing support, advice and leadership. I look forward to working with him in the future and wish him the best in his new ventures.”

In recognition of his service, the ECA presented Jaldung with the title of honorary president of the association.

“It has been an honour to serve as chairman of the ECA,” Jaldung said. “The greatest asset of this industry is its people, and I have been privileged in this role to have experienced the warmest of welcomes from across all countries and all roles and positions within the diverse and multi- faceted European and international land-based casino sector.

“It has not been a role without its difficulties, and the industry continues to face ongoing headwinds from multiple directions, but the members of the ECA, and especially this board of directors and the new chairman, can accept and master these challenges.”

van Lambaart will be supported in his new role by senior vice chair Pascal Camia and vice chair Tiina Siltanen, while Yared Gabretensye, general manager of Casino Cosmopol, will take Jaldung’s seat representing Sweden on the ECA board until next year’s elections.

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