Integrity in gaming: why bother?

| By Hannah Gannage-Stewart
Andrew Spencer explains why training has to be more than a tick box exercise

Compliance training may not seem the most compelling prospect but the business case for it is, as Totally Gaming Academy head of education and training Andrew Spencer explains.

When I was but a green graduate many years ago – not yet battered by the realities of business life, or the awkward questions from delegates while delivering courses – I was sent on the obligatory ‘train the trainer course’.

The first thing we discussed was the definition of training, which included an apparently innocuous line about the purpose of training being ‘…the development of attitudes, skills, and behaviour with a view to improving workplace performance’. Perhaps stating the obvious… until examined a little more closely.

It’s the word ‘attitudes’, which attracts attention; if you’re being introduced to a new CRM system and its quirks, is there really an attitude change required?

I would argue yes: any trainer worth their salt will start their introduction session with some sort of ‘why do this’ discussion, rather than simply diving into the system to show the various reporting options.

In other words, the benefits are being sold in order that the skills and knowledge required of the system are adopted and considered with a belief in their benefits.

It’s a simple hearts and minds argument – and far too often neglected in workplace training in favour of a ‘surely it’s obvious why we’re doing this’ attitude or worse: ‘we have to, it’s a compliance requirement’. 

Any seasoned training manager will tell you that making training simply a mandatory exercise leads to a race for the most efficient and painless way to tick the box. The ‘why’ being very firmly ignored leads to a paradox. 

Even when it’s reasonable to make the training mandatory, unfortunately this often leads to a dumbing down and lip service. How many of you look forward to, embrace (and learn from) the annual e-learning ‘click and move on’ exercise to tick the anti-bribery and corruption compliance requirement?

Zeitgeist issues for our sector are obvious with respect to compliance, responsible gaming, and anti-money laundering for example. But it's important to consider how best to handle training in these areas, mandated or otherwise.

There are two factors to consider which might just improve the take up and perhaps even engage the audience. First, there’s the entertainment factor, but that's a topic for another day. There’s also the ‘why’ question to be answered.

The answer depends on who you are, or more accurately your role. If you’re a manager, you need convincing either that you’ll be more efficient and/or profitable, or that you will generate more business.

If you’re not management, you’ll want convincing that the job will be made easier or more rewarding. Either way, the ‘why’, which might work to change attitudes is that of making a business case.

Get these things right and the job will be easier. You'll experience less regulator concern, clients who can afford to come back, and so on.

Meanwhile, the wider societal benefits and improving the CSR quotient through PR have an appeal to those in marketing. Either way, nobody loses if you can say ‘we take this stuff seriously’.

So we don’t promote regulatory training as ‘because you have to’, more ‘see the benefits’, all the while answering the question why. Our argument is simple and reflected clearly within the courses – get responsible gaming and anti money laundering right and the business is better off.

This extends beyond courses dedicated to the subject. We’ve recently added responsible gaming as an issue (and opportunity) within the casino marketing course.

The importance of handling responsible gaming in particular, as one of the key messages in promotional campaigning, is evidently filtering through to conventional above the line marketing and advertising. And not just as a minimum font footnote. Somebody has run the numbers and decided there’s a business case.

Make a business case to your boss and consider some training:

Anti Money Laundering
Casino Marketing Academy
Responsible Gaming

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