Can data help solve the industry’s biggest challenges?

| By iGB Editorial Team

In an Ampersand conversation with ICE365, Richard Schuetz, industry consultant and former California regulator, argues that while the industry has taken major steps forward in collecting and publishing data, there’s still a lot more work to be done.

While data collection among operators and suppliers is strong, Schuetz says regulators need to step up to the same level, in order to inform evidence-led policy.

This, he notes, goes beyond simply collecting data around gambling harm.

While this is an important area, he highlights representation and equality as another key problem that data can solve.

“If you were to have a casino and say, ‘If a man hits a jackpot, he gets 100% of the payout, but if a woman does, she only gets 72%,’ everybody would agree that’s sexist,” he notes.

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