Two more operators apply to have Chile casino permits renewed

| By Marese O'Hagan
Chile's gambling regulator Superintendencia de Casinos de Juego (SCJ) held a hearing Friday (19 November) in which two casino businesses set out their case for having their operating permits renewed.

The applicants are Marina del Sol SA, operates in the municipality of Talcahuano, and Casino de Juego, which operates in the city of Punta Arenas.

The licence renewal applications come as a number of operating permits are due to expire in 2023 and 2024. Existing operators can apply for a permit renewal, though others can also bid for new permits through a tender process.

In total there are 12 permits on offer, and while the renewal process began in July 2020, it was suspended for 270 days as a result of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

As part of the application process, Marina del Sol and Casino de Juego set out the economic benefits that would come from renewing their permits for the undersecretary of tourism Macarena Movillo Matta.

In total, 13 applications have been received for 11 of the 12 available permits, which are expected to be issued in 2023. The issuance of the final permit may be delayed by a legal case involving San Francisco Investment, which holds an operating licence for the commune of Mostazal.

In September, SCJ began the process of renewing permits for Enjoy San Antonio and Enjoy Santiago properties, in the Valparaíso region of the country.

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