Garzón urges others to follow Barcelona’s lead on betting shops

| By Robin Harrison
Spain’s Minister for Consumer Affairs Alberto Garzón has hailed Barcelona’s 2019 regulations halting the opening of new brick and mortar gaming establishments, and called on other municipalities to follow its example.

At a press conference alongside Barcelona’s mayor Ada Colau, Garzón praised the city for announcing a ban on the opening of new gambling establishments such as bookmakers, bingo halls and casinos to “preserve citizens’ health” in October last year. 

He said the move represented a “commitment” to the health of the municipality’s residents, and sent a “powerful and necessary” message to stakeholders. 

Other administrations across Spain should follow Colau’s example, he added, coordinating efforts where possible. 

It comes as the Ministry prepares to introduce a new draft Royal Decree designed to strengthen player protection measures for the country’s igaming market. Garzón announced these plans yesterday, saying passing the legislation into law would be a key priority in the coming year. 

“[We] need to increase security in this sector to protect consumers and warn them of the risks they face,” he said of the decree. 

It follows a year in which advertising has been significantly curbed by prohibiting new sports sponsorship deals and limiting advertising to the early hours. 

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