Belgian lockdown further limits land-based gambling

| By Robert Fletcher
Belgium’s government has announced that the country will again enter into a nationwide lockdown, with all gambling venues to remain closed until at least the middle of December.
Belgian Flag

Casinos, gaming halls and betting shops had already been ordered to shut from 28 October to 19 November as part of enhanced novel coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions, but this period of closure has now been extended in line with the lockdown order.

Newsagents with betting terminals must also ensure that these machines are switched off for the duration of the lockdown, but will be permitted to remain open for other activities deemed essential by the government.

Non-essential shops and businesses offering personal services will also have to close, while the existing night-time curfew measures and closures of bars and restaurants will continue.

This will mark the second national lockdown in Belgium this year, with the first having seen gambling venues close in March. Betting shops started to reopen in June, and casinos in the following month.

Yesterday (1 November), Belgium recorded 16,915 new cases of Covid-19 and 173 related deaths.

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