GC sets out consumer protection strategy

| By iGB Editorial Team
The Gambling Commission has highlighted the inclusion of in-game protections and control measures as a key target for operators over the next 12 months

The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has highlighted the inclusion of in-game protections and control measures as a key target for operators over the next 12 months.

The national regulatory body this week published its business plan outlining its focus and priorities for 2018-2019.

In the plan, the UKGC cites protecting the interests of consumers, preventing harm to consumers and the public, raising standards in the gambling market, optimising returns to good causes from lotteries and improving the way it regulates as major goals.

The plan, the first of a three-year strategy, includes a commitment by the UKGC to push gambling operators to design-in protections and control measures from the start of gaming product development.

The UKGC is also keen to accelerate the progress operators are already making on consumer interventions, as well as to better understand the public health impact of problematic gambling.

William Moyes, chair of the UKGC, said: “Our ambitious plans for the next 12 months and beyond are designed to enable us to continue to respond to emerging risks and issues in a way that balances consumer choice and enjoyment with the risks associated with gambling, and the impact on wider society.

“Our strategy and plans will deliver real change for consumers, the gambling industry and for us as the regulator.

“Our aim is to make gambling fairer and safer and to raise standards across the industry.”

Meanwhile, Microgaming PlayItForward has donated £12,680 (€14,400/$17,300) to the Young Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM), an independent UK charity focused on raising awareness of gambling and gambling-related harm among young people through its accredited educational programme.

The YGAM said it will use the funding to expand its gambling-related harm prevention programme to the Isle of Man.

Activities in the Isle of Man will include working with schools and the local government on 'Train the Trainer' workshops, while the YGAM will also work with Microgaming to facilitate the delivery of bespoke accredited training around player protection.

Kimberley Broad, head of compliance at Microgaming, said: “Promoting responsible gaming and supporting our local community are hugely important to us, so we were naturally keen to support YGAM in extending its accredited programme to the Isle of Man.

“We have been very impressed with the charity’s success on building a programme that focuses on increasing awareness and resilience against gambling-related harm and we look forward to supporting them in delivering the vital training workshops on the island.”

Lee Willows, chief executive of YGAM, added: “Microgaming and YGAM have been keen to collaborate and this project provides a perfect opportunity to take our education programmes to the Isle of Man, whilst at the same time work with Microgaming to deliver our accredited and authentic training.

“We are hugely grateful for the donation from Microgaming PlayItForward as we believe taking our programmes to the Isle of Man will enable us to engage with another professional (teaching) audience and gain valuable feedback on the relevance and educational content.”

Related article: UKGC confirms McArthur as new chief executive

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