Kindred to support socially vulnerable with new project

| By iGB Editorial Team
Kindred Group has joined forces with Swedish community initiative, "NU: Nolla Utanförskapet" (End Exclusion), to develop and launch a new project aimed at helping socially vulnerable young adults in Stockholm.

Kindred Group has joined forces with Swedish community initiative, “NU: Nolla Utanförskapet” (End Exclusion), to develop and launch a new project aimed at helping socially vulnerable young adults in Stockholm.

Participants on the course, who mainly reside in suburbs around Stockholm, will be able to learn more about programming, gain insight into the technology sector and establish professional networks.

Skills set to be covered on the course include programming development, testing and database building, as well as guidelines for how to write a CV. The course will conclude with the creation of a work sample that participants can use when applying for jobs.

Kindred will host the course, in partnership with NU:Nolla Utanförskapet, at its Urban Escape premises in the Swedish capital.

“The opportunity to organise this project together with NU is both inspiring and exciting, the cooperation is a natural progression for Kindred in our sustainability effort,” Kindred Group’s head of communications, Alexander Westrell, said. “The response among our employees has been overwhelming with many expressing inspirational commitments to give back to our community, by teaching code.

“The tech sector is constantly in need of competent people. If we can ignite an interest in code and programming amongst these young adults and at the same time build their confidence, and increase the sense of team effort– that will be a win-win situation.”

Sanna Wolk, initiator and co-founder of Nolla Utanförskapet, added: “So many talented individuals are alienated growing up, and they often have a distinct feeling of not being wanted nor needed. This course, that we are organising together with Kindred, is an important step on the way to reach the most socially and economically marginalised areas around Stockholm.

“It will help to create a sense of belonging, as well as provide young adults from these areas with the necessary tools to engage in a career within the tech sector. The projects create opportunities for young adults as they establish themselves in the work force and opens many doors in terms of work and internships.”

The project marks Kindred’s latest corporate social responsibility effort, with the operator having last month announced plans to display responsible gambling messages on the shirts of its brand 32Red’s partner football clubs during the course of the 2019-20 season.

The initiative will see responsible gambling messaging dominate all matches where two teams sponsored by 32Red play each other.

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