Senet Group calls for enhanced responsible gambling push

| By iGB Editorial Team
The Senet Group has praised the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) for its efforts to establish a better understanding of responsible gambling, but has called for more to be done.

The Senet Group has praised the Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) for its efforts to establish a better understanding of responsible gambling, but has called for more to be done.

The organisation was responding to the latest update on the RGSB’s National Responsible Gambling Strategy, a three-year initiative that launched in April 2016 to help minimise gambling-related harm in the UK.

In the update, the RGSB said while there has been “considerable activity” in the first year of the strategy, it added that some of the elements have been more successful than others.

The report said: “Ideally, we would be measuring progress by assessing the impact on the amount of gambling-related harm.

“Unfortunately, as is well known, the data does not as yet exist to allow that to happen.”

The RGSB also flagged up ‘red’ levels of concern in terms of how to understand and measure harm, as well as engagement with relevant public sector bodies, consolidating a culture of evolution, and piloting interventions.

Although the RGSB said other areas only had ‘amber’ or green’ levels of concern, the Senet Group said it is important for the organisation to build on this first year and develop a better understanding of such issues.

Wanda Goldwag, chair of the Senet Group, said: “We are pleased that progress is being made against the priorities outlined in the original strategy, but we agree there is more that can be done by all those working in the sector – especially the agencies with leading roles.

“The RGSB flag the importance of evaluation, but evaluation is only helpful if you do something with the findings – not only reflect on what has gone before but also consider how things can be improved.

“We publish an assessment of our messaging campaigns twice a year and have recently reviewed the self-exclusion service (MOSES) that we facilitate.

“Although awareness of our messaging has never been higher and the service is having a positive effect for those who use it, we are not complacent.”

Goldwag added: “We need to ensure responsible gambling messages are being communicated to the right audiences in the right way.”

Related article: RGSB unveils new gambling-related harm strategy

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