ICE365 Live: Erwin van Lambaart, Casinos Austria

| By Robin Harrison

Having recently begun his new role at Casinos Austria, Erwin van Lambaart joins Katie Goldfinch to talk about his plans for the European gaming giant.

Just days after taking charge of the business, he says his first priority is to get to know his team and all stakeholders, and build out a plan for his first 100 to 120 days.

Van Lambaart says that his time at Holland Casino has taught him of the importance of getting a millennial audience into land-based casinos, and found that in particular table games appeal to this demographic. Developing that same level of engagement with that audience will be a key focus at Casinos Austria – though he warns it’s not a case of copying and pasting.

This piece was broadcast live from ICE London 2022, in the ICE365 Live studio.